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Still Riding — Now for a Cause

Casing the Promised Land

We're interrupting our irregularly scheduled broadcasting for an announcement!

A vintage Sara-and-Beau-civic-duty shot, for all you good people out there.

Dear friends,

Wherever you are, we hope you are safe and hanging in there. Our hearts and minds are with y'all right now... We're writing to you from Pittsburgh, Kansas—with 1,628 miles of the TransAmerica Trail under our belts—on the eve of what, in a different world, would have been our wedding ceremony. We're still looking forward to the day when we get to celebrate together. 

In the meantime, biking across this vast and fraught country has awed us and made us thoughtful. We have decided to turn the rest of our ride into a fundraiser for two causes we very much believe in.

Up until the election, we're going to be raising money for Voto Latino, one of the most effective organizations at getting out the Latinx vote, especially in states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona — where that vote is going to be absolutely crucial and the Democrats need a boost. After November 3, all the money we raise will go to bail organizations, to keep activists out of jail and on the streets doing the hard work of the coming months.

Our goal is to raise $4,228 dollars, $1 for every mile of the trail. If you're able to donate something, that's amazing. You're amazing. If you can't, but would spread the word about our ride and our fundraiser to those who might like to know, we're very grateful for that, too. Here's the link...

Whether you can give or not, we love you and we're sending you all our best wishes from out here on the road.

Be well, friends.

As ever, with hope,

Sara & Beau



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